Friday, October 2, 2009

first week down

So my first week in Cape Town is over, and I have to say I'm obsessed.

The city is incredibly unique and the people are really exciting. This week has been a whirl wind of meetings, tours and getting acclimated with the city. The kids are on school holiday this week (spring break-esq) so I didn't get to go to my actual placement yet, but I did have a great experience. I went to a day care center for kids whose parents are working so they couldn't stay home alone. I watched about 25 6-16 year old students. I went in every morning, we had prayer, and introductions (yes, everyday because these names are ridiculously hard to pronounce and remember). Then we had a game time where we played American games like Simon Says, The Sun Shines On, and they also showed me some fun south African games. Then after a quick break we usually had an activity about teen pregnancy, AIDS, or some other educational session.

i became obsessed with a couple of the boys and pretty much fell in love. Today they performed traditional African music and even let me participate. The kids were so excited to share their culture with me. I gave them my digital camera at one point, and let me just say, they were hooked, my memory card is full. I'll definitely be adding some of those pictures shortly. Even after just a few days, I'm already attached. Since I start my work at another school next week, I had to say goodbye. But luckily I have permission to go back to this school and work after lunch a couple times a week. I'm really happy I'll be able to stay in these kids lives for a couple more months.

Have to keep this post short, I just took 2 tylenol pm and I'm about to pass out because we have an early 5 am wake up call for SHARK CAGE DIVING tomorrow!!!! Ahh I can't wait. I'll be sure to update after my first big adventure tomorrow!



  1. Hi kelly this is Robert and a test

  2. Ok this is a real comment from Robert. We are enjoying crabs and beer with your mom and dad. More later...great adventure for you.
